lemur price

lemur price

There are many factors to consider when it comes to owning a lemur as a pet, and the costs associated with it may surprise you. Here’s what you need to know before bringing one into your home.

Initial purchase price

While the cost of a lemur can vary depending on the species and where you buy it from, the initial purchase price can range from $1,500 to $15,000.

Habitat and enclosure

Lemurs require a spacious and secure enclosure that mimics their natural habitat. This can be quite costly, with prices ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Specialized diet

Lemurs have a specialized diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, and insects. This can add up to around $50 to $100 per month in food costs.

Veterinary care

Like any pet, lemurs require regular veterinary check-ups and care. Vet visits, vaccinations, and unexpected medical expenses can add up quickly.

Enrichment activities

Lemurs are highly intelligent and active animals that require plenty of mental and physical stimulation. This can include toys, climbing structures, and interactive play, which can add to the overall cost of ownership.

Legalities and permits

In many places, it is illegal to own a lemur as a pet without the proper permits. Obtaining these permits can be time-consuming and costly, with fees ranging from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars.

Overall, the cost of owning a lemur goes beyond just the initial purchase price. From habitat and food costs to veterinary care and legalities, owning a lemur can be a significant financial investment. Be sure to carefully consider these factors before deciding to bring a lemur into your home.